Fr. Agnel Multipurpose School was established in the year 1982 in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, with the objective of providing comprehensive education to students upto Higher Secondary Certificate Examination. The school is affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Education.

Run by Agnel Charities (Agnel Seva Sangh), the institute has been awarded the status of Religious Minority (Christian) Institution by Government of Maharashtra, vide order no. ASHSN – 2008 /PRA KRA.133 / 2008.KA.1 (शाशन निर्णय क्रमांक अ‍ॅसेंशन २००८ / प्रा क्र.१३३ / २००८.का.१) dated: 04/07/2008.

Our vision is to mould children into Nation builders who will make a living, a life and a difference in our world. We envision that Fr. Agnel Multipurpose School & Jr. College will always remain a Learning, Nurturing Organisation, wherein, the home, school and community will be knit together in a trusting partnership, to ensure personal and academic excellence in all children.

We accept every member of the school family, as a unique and integral part of a divine design. To provide a learning environment which empowers students and staff to maximize their personal, creative and academic potential in order to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens of India and the world.