Our vision is to mould children into Nation builders who will make a living, a life and a difference in our world.
In pursuit of this vision, the mission of this school is :-
- To accept every member of the school family, as a unique and integral part of a divine design.
- To provide a learning environment which empowers students and staff to maximize their personal, creative and academic potential in order to become life long learners and responsible citizens of India and the world, by –
- Drawing upon “Love your neighbour as yourself” – the motto of the school, as the guiding light in every plan and program of the school.
- Looking upon every student’s home as an extension of the school.
- Creating a collaborative environment of caring, sharing and inspiring, for all its members.
- Providing academic and extra curricular opportunities that will ensure all round development of children.
- Providing successful experiences for every child to gain knowledge, skills and behavior necessary to function effectively and cooperatively in society.
- Preserving and nurturing an environment conducive to innovative teaching and learning experiences.
- Providing excellent infrastructure in terms of staff, laboratories, library, sports fields and other facilities required for curricular and extra curricular activities.
- Looking upon sports as a major contributor for physical, mental and emotional growth of children and inculcating the art of time management for both sports and academics.
- Instilling in all our students a belief in national integration, a healthy pride in our genuine Indian values and culture, and an honest and transparent concern for fellowmen and the future of our earth.
- Encouraging a strong mentorship program by ex-students.